In order to create a database and table in the database require XAMPP Webserver. For XAMPP download and install visit site https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html.
After installing the Server localhost C:\xampp and open 'htdocs' folder where you will create your form form1.html , close the folder and on desktop click shortcut of XAMPP and it will be opened at the bottom of the screen then click on the icon appearing on the taskbar then a pop box XAMPP control panel will appear on the screen then click on the first start button and second start button. Then the port numbers will appear in front of the start button and start button will become stop button also click second button for starting MySql then the button will become stop button, when you close the local host you need to click on both the stop buttons before shutting down the pc or laptop.
Then click on the button next to start button on the next of first start button which admin button which will guide you to the browser window. On the dashboard click on phpmyadmin and you will be directed to the phpmyadmin dashboard and you can create new database and then create inside this table named canteen with 16 columns inlcuding id, pno, employeename, Design, Grade etc. as mentioned in the form.
Then copy the below form into
The following will be the output of the form.
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