Making money is not so easy, for that you have to search so many ways and there should be some source to make money, else you should know something about making money. You need good tactics to make people come in your way but I think all these are ways gone and is not applicable in today's world. Today people are making money online and offline and there are too many sources to give you a considerable amount every month without going in front of any body and also particularly if you possess some specific skills.
In todays' world a person with one PC or One Smart Phone can create wonders and he can work day and night to complete the task, because simply registering on a platform and sitting idle will not make you eligible to get money freely, such platforms are also available but I strongly recommend that you should put your hard efforts to make an entry into this career so that you will be able to realize what are the difficulties in keeping you on the frontline.
As I told you there are so many ways to make money online, if there is a will there is a way, so in this case, today I would like to brief you some ways that you can make money online and offline.
Make money online :
Amazon Affiliate Marketing :
First option is Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is a very nice option to increase your income. Affiliate Markets means you will become an affiliate of a company and you will give your space to a Company to display their ads. For this you required a website or you can use your social account platform like facebook, where the Company who is willing to place the ads in your Site will create a link to your Website or to your social forum page or blog whatever it may be.
True Lancer :
True Lancer is another platform from where you can make money online and you will have to register in their site, after registering in their site, you can search for jobs, at the time of registration you will have to mention in which area you are a specialist like website building, drawing making, power point presentation, data base etc. any of the choice you have to chose at the time of registration and you will have to mention the hourly rate for doing a specific job. According to me I think True lancer is an ideal platform for a beginner who is willing to make money online.
Blogger :
Blogging is another option to increase your income. But this is not a permanent job, you have to make your own arrangements and you can do it on side by side. Blogger from Google is the option, you may create a blog and start using your intelligence and write down what comes in your mind that may be your experiences or may be anything that gets importance in front of 4 people.
Trip Advisor : Affiliate Marketing, I have not personally visited in this site but I heard about this platform, the Trip advisor is also having an affiliate marketing strategy, the same thing we have done in case of Amazon.
Online Video Posting Platform : VMATE
I have seen this in VMATE for a short video of 2 minutes if clicked by some one and liked the video the presenter will get money on that video on the basis of clicks and likes. So this another platform where you can make money online.
All these platforms are only ways to increase your income and not a permanent job and you can do it side by side.
If you have sufficient knowledge to impart training of various IT and Computer Software and Programming knowledge, you can explore the teaching profession in Udemy, they also accept teaching professionals for their site to educate their member children who register on their site for various courses.
These sites are indicative and there are many such sites which I unable to explain here. All you have to do yourself to make your future bright.
Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash
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